Tuesday 3 January 2017

What are the benefits of swaddling? Till when do you swaddle?

The D-Day finally arrives and the nurse brings in your little bundle of joy. Wait. Wrapped literally in a bundle? Yes. It is called a Swaddle and is very beneficial for your newborn.
Since conception, you have been referring to pregnancy tips in apps for pregnant women and baby care tips in Tamil and baby care tips in Hindi.  You are now confused about swaddling and people around you offer mixed opinions.
Well, it’s time to check out BabyBerry, which is not just the best apps for pregnant women but is also the best Baby Apps for New Parents and Best parenting apps android.
Swaddling has been around for centuries and in most hospitals, the baby is usually swaddled right after birth!

Benefits of Swaddling
·         It helps your newborn sleep longer and deeper which means less fuss, and crying.
·         It significantly reduces the risk of SIDS or Sudden Infant Death syndrome.
·         It helps in increased neuro-muscular development of the baby.
·         It helps soothe crying babies. Research shows that it can reduce crying by up to 42% in infants 8 weeks or younger.
When can you stop Swaddling?
Swaddling is usually recommended till the baby is around 2-3 months old or until they start rolling over and turning on their tummy. They start moving more in their sleep after that and may not like to be bound. Keep in mind that babies should be swaddled only when they sleep and left free at other times.
You reduce swaddling when your little one starts resisting or tends to squirm or cry more when swaddled. However, some babies like to feel cosy and swaddled, so continue this a little longer and gradually reduce this.

While swaddling, it is best to learn how to correctly wrap your baby from a trained nurse or paediatrician. Also consult free baby care apps, best parenting apps android like BabyBerry which is the best Baby Apps for New Parents to learn more tips and tricks on how to swaddle your baby so that she sleeps like a queen!

Inside your womb changes- Month 1 to Month 3

Congratulations! – Your Doctor just confirmed your pregnancy. You are happy, excited but also concerned if you are ready to handle this life-changing experience.
Don’t worry, you can now have all facts and pregnancy tips at the touch of your fingers, thanks to various apps for pregnant women. The most recommended best pregnancy apps android and best pregnancy apps for Iphone is BabyBerry which is an excellent pregnancy tracking app and pregnancy assistant app.
With BabyBerry, you can track your pregnancyday by day app or pregnancy week by weekapp as it is one of the best pregnancycalculator app for android.
BabyBerry gives you the whole information gamut on what to eat during pregnancy, pregnancy tips during first trimester and nutrition during pregnancy. Each pregnancy is unique and while most of them go through a range of symptoms, some may not experience anything at all.
Month 1 – While externally, there may be no observational changes, the whole action happens inside your womb once implantation occurs. Your body starts experiencing a hormonal flux by the end of this month.
Month 2 – You start experiencing classic symptoms of nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and morning sickness during this time. You may also visit the loo frequently as your womb starts pressing your bladder.
Month 3 – Hormones seem to ravage your body and you start gaining weight. Your breasts may feel heavier and fuller and you may feel cramps in your abdomen due to the growing uterus. You can hear your baby’s heartbeat in an ultrasound scan by now.
Read up and prepare for the months to follow. Look up BabyBerry, the best pregnancy app for pregnancy tips and for the diet during pregnancy. You can check out womb changes when you would be 4 weeks pregnant and 6 weeks pregnant.
The first trimester is usually the first difficult step because of changes happening to your body, especially if it’s your first pregnancy. Well, the reward is, you will start sporting a cute baby bump by the end of the first trimester. J

Inside your womb changes- Month 4 to Month 6

You are in your pregnancy’s second trimester now and are taking it nice and easy. You have been smart and savvy to check out BabyBerry, the pregnancy tracking app and the perfect apps for pregnant women.
With BabyBerry you can track your pregnancy week by week app or pregnancy day by day app and is the Best parenting apps android and best pregnancy apps for Iphone.
BabyBerry is not just a pregnancy assistant app but also a pregnancy weight calculator app and gives valuable information on various topics like what to avoid during pregnancy, mood swings in early pregnancy and even nutrition during pregnancy.
Now let’s look at changes inside your body and womb in the second trimester.
Month 4– The horrendous morning sickness slowly starts subsiding. Weight gain also happens gradually. You may start regaining your appetite but newer symptoms like constipation sets in. Check out BabyBerry to know what to eat during pregnancy and diet during pregnancy.
Month 5 – You are almost in the middle of your pregnancy now and showing a bigger baby bump. And you may experience lower back aches. It is also the time when you start feeling the little butterfly flutter inside of you. A magical feeling indeed!
Month 6 – Thanks to hormones, you now have a pregnancy glow and thick glossy mane. You may experience swelling in your limbs and heartburn. You are gaining weight steadily. Your baby starts to move more and sit back and enjoy the somersaults of your little gymnast.
The second trimester is probably the best phase of your pregnancy. Read up more about the upcoming months and what happens once you deliver. BabyBerry, the pregnancy assistantapp so far is also a Best Parenting Apps for New Parents and is one of the Best parenting apps Android.

From conception to delivery and baby careBabyBerry is here to assist you every step of the way!

Pregnancy- Who do you listen to, follow, or take advice from?

Your pregnancy is just confirmed. Congratulations! It’s a mixed bag of feelings - happiness, excitement and maybe a little fear too, especially if this happens to be your first pregnancy. Soon after, not just wishes, but also advice and suggestions start pouring in from well-meaning relatives and friends.
Now, practically everyone have something to say. Your mom may not exactly remember her experience but maybe a grandma, aunt or your sister who has a crystal-clear memory and knows just the right thing to do. They reckon that they know the best for you and your baby and may even impose it on you over and above your doctor’s advice.
But you are tech savvy, so you go online and see there’s a lot online – the classic case of TMI, too much information! You are completely overwhelmed and exasperated.
BabyBerry to the rescue
Worry not; you now have BabyBerry, the most recommended pregnancy assistant app to the rescue. BabyBerry gives you week by week pregnancy calendar and is the Best pregnancy apps android and best pregnancy apps Iphone.
BabyBerry is not just a pregnancy tracking app but it is also a pregnancy weight calculator app and the best pregnancy calculator app for android. Also learn about your baby’s movement in the womb with baby kick counter app.
BabyBerry offers a plethora of information like Mood swings in early pregnancy, what to avoid during pregnancy, baby growth week by week, pregnancy tips during first trimester, what to eat during pregnancy and nutrition during pregnancy.
Your pregnancy need not be based on others’ experience or be a scary adventure. You have your trusted app, BabyBerry, guiding you during your pregnancy, right from conception to delivery and beyond. Cos, BabyBerry is not just a pregnancy assistant app but is also the best Baby Apps for New Parents too!

So, keep everyone happy, listen to them, but you rely on whatever works best for you like BabyBerry.

Your Baby has not taken her first step yet? Concerned?

Your little one is growing leaps and bounds and is a joie de vivre to all. Right from your baby’s birth, you have been using various baby care apps and baby apps for new parents like BabyBerry to understand your child’s growth and what to expect next.
BabyBerry is one of the most well-known best parenting apps android and offers baby care tips in Tamil as well as baby care tips in Hindi and English.
You are now concerned that your little darling is soon turning one, but has not started walking yet.
By when will my baby start walking and why the delay?
Doctors say that babies typically start walking on their own around 12 months, but this varies. If your little explorer is starting to stand up and holding onto furniture for support, it means walking follows soon.
If your baby is a bottom shuffler, then it takes them a little longer but will eventually get there. Keep in mind and observe whether your baby is inclined to and is on the move either through crawling or shuffling.
More factors for delay
While calculating the baby’s developmental milestones, do the required adjustments if your baby was born prematurely. Walking also depends on the baby’s personality – if yours is a little adventurer, he may take the first leap fast or if yours happens to be a cautious one, then walking takes some time.  Again, the lithe ones walk earlier than the chubbier ones as balancing can be an issue.
All is well
Don’t worry. Wait till the baby is around 18 months old. And after, consult your paediatrician who assesses the baby’s fine motor skills, physical and cognitive development.
In the meantime, encourage your baby to take first steps by placing his favourite toys a little ahead and giving proper massages at bath time.

Consult Baby Apps for NewParents and baby care app like BabyBerry for more tips.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Go On Walks Regularly When Pregnant For Better Health and Wellbeing

Walking is not only the best cardiovascular exercise for pregnant women; it is also probably the only activity that is safe to continue through all ten months of your pregnancy. Whether you are 4 weeks pregnant or 6 weeks pregnant, the sooner you start, the better it is. Walking can help you maintain your fitness and does not require any specialised equipment as well. You must religiously follow pregnancy tips and your diet during pregnancy and also what to eat during pregnancy for the health of your baby and yourself as well. You can even make use of pregnancy assistant apps that helps you keep track of your nutrition during pregnancy and exercise routine.

Pregnancy Tips - BabyBerry
Pregnancy Tips - BabyBerry

Tips for Walking During Pregnancy

One of the most vital pregnancy tips during first trimester is that you must start with regular and brisk walks within a range of 20-40 minutes for best results.
Good and comfortable shoes that fit your feet properly are a must-have as per any pregnancy tracker app.
You can also insert gel liners for better shock absorption.
You must also take care that your skin is protected from the sun and you stay hydrated throughout the day.
You can also have a protein rich snack 30 minutes before your walk for better energy usage.

Special Care during your Third Trimester

You should take care to maintain a steady exercising routine throughout your pregnancy. The closer you get to your due date, be more cautious. Walking on a flat track is easier on your body and make sure to never exercise to the point of exhaustion. Ergo, knowing what to avoid during pregnancy is equally important. If you develop muscle pain or joint pain, you must ensure that you take a break and proper rest till the pain goes away.

The most important aspect is to stay connected; so ensure that you carry your phone and contact information in case of any emergency. And if you want to learn more, rely on the baby care apps for pregnancy tips and other interesting pregnancy tips.

Do’s and Don’ts of Exercising during Pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy is not only good for your fitness, but can also work wonders for the health of your baby. However, there are several pregnancy tips and pregnancy assistant apps and cautions that you must be aware of and take proper care of if you want to indulge in exercising during pregnancy. Several factors come into play when you want to exercise while you are pregnant, such as your diet during pregnancy, proper exercise plan, your health, and more. Whether you are 5 weeks pregnant, 4 weeks pregnant or 6 weeks pregnant, exercise comes in handy if done with caution.
Nutrition During Pregnancy - BabyBerry
Nutrition During Pregnancy - BabyBerry

Here are some critical Do’s and Don’ts:

The DO’s

The first and most important thing that you need to take care of is having a proper exercise plan designed by a fitness expert. A plan which combines exercises of moderate exercises with a large calorie intake is best for the health of the mother and the baby.
Also your weight is changing; you can track via pregnancy weight tracker app and engage in exercising accordingly.
You must also ensure that you wear loose and breathable clothes while you’re exercising and ensure that you are properly warmed up. Hence, follow the baby care app or the best pregnancy apps Android and learning what to avoid during pregnancy is another important facet.
You also need to take care that your body is properly hydrated and that you follow a proper routine.

The DONT’s

Keeping in mind that your body is going through changes as per pregnancy week by week calendar, you must not perform heavy strenuous exercises.
You must also ensure that you do not get up too quickly from the floor as it can make you dizzy and lose your footing.
Avoid lying flat on your back after you are 4 weeks pregnant or 5 weeks pregnant as it can make you nauseated.
You must ensure that you don’t exercise in high heat and humidity and do not exercise until you’re exhausted. You need your body to be working and not strained.

Combining good nutrition during pregnancy along with a progressive exercise regime is just the tonic you need to get through those arduous months with ease.